<p>Cybersecurity may make you feel safe and protected for a little while, but if it becomes outdated, that feeling is going to turn into a false sense of security. Nearly <a href="https://www.anomali.com/blog/three-month-frameworkpos-malware-campaign-nabs-43000-credits-cards-from-poi">1 million new malware threats </a>are released every day so it’s important to make sure you have the right infrastructure to protect against them. Keeping up with the different cybersecurity enhancements will keep your system running smoothly and your data safe. But you can’t keep checking that your cybersecurity software is up to date every few days, so here are 5 signs to look out for:</p><ol><li><strong>Slowing Down</strong></li></ol><p>One of the biggest indicators of an outdated cybersecurity infrastructure is the slowing down of your device. If it takes longer than usual to open a program or to start up the device, there’s something wrong. It’s true that a security detector slows down your operating system while it’s doing a full blown scan, but unless otherwise stated, that’s probably not what’s going on. Just to be sure nothing else could be causing this, start by <a href="http://www.howtogeek.com/125923/7-ways-to-free-up-hard-disk-space-on-windows/" target="_blank">cleaning out your storage space</a> of programs/files you don’t need anymore. If you free up a good amount of space and your device is still running slower than usual, it’s time to update your cybersecurity.</p><ol start="2"><li><strong>Pop-Ups Get Through</strong></li></ol><p>On some sites, pop-ups are unavoidable. They happen whether your cybersecurity software is up to date or not. But that’s not the case for most sites because, although you may not realize it, an up-to-date security software blocks these pop-ups. It also protects you from any suspicious programs that may be downloaded by clicking on a pop-up. So not only will you be able to tell if your software is out of date by the amount of <a href="https://www.anomali.com/blog/enforcing-protocol">annoying pop-ups</a> you receive, but you’ll also be able to tell if you accidentally click one and something downloads without being removed. With an outdated cybersecurity infrastructure, you’re 4 times more likely to be infected with a malicious cyber threat so accidentally downloading something from an irrefutable source is highly dangerous.</p><ol start="3"><li><strong>Continual Messaging</strong></li></ol><p>Every now and then you may get an ongoing message about your software needing to be updated. Sometimes it’s a company wanting you to invest more money into their software, but other times it’s a legitimate claim. Identifying the difference isn’t very hard. When the message comes up, refrain from exiting out right away. Instead, find out what they’re recommending. If they push software prices on you without identifying the problem with your current software, you can exit out and not worry about it too much. On the other hand, if there is a well thought out message outlining the problems with your software and how it needs an update, then you should trust it (even if they still offer you price packages). Keep in mind, if this is happening over and over again at an annoying rate, you may have a virus and should not click on it.</p><ol start="4"><li><strong>Crashing</strong></li></ol><p>If you turn your device on and it crashes or you’re using a program or surfing the web and it randomly crashes, that’s a good indication that you have an outdated cybersecurity infrastructure. But first, you should rule out software incompatibility. The device could be running something that doesn’t get along with your OS, but if multiple programs are crashing, then incompatibility is not the problem. You should look into the details of your cybersecurity infrastructure to see if it’s actively working with all of your applications.</p><ol start="5"><li><strong>Timing</strong></li></ol><p>Cyber <a href="https://www.anomali.com/blog/threat-intelligence-platforms-tracking-more-than-just-threats">threats constantly change</a> and evolve so there’s going to come a point, whether there are clear indications or not, when you should update your security system. Preferably, this should happen before you start seeing the other signs. Keep a memo in your calendar on the day that you last updated your cybersecurity. Then, leave a reminder a few months later telling you it’s time for an upgrade. That way, you won’t have to worry about your data being subject to threats during the intermittent time between updates. Also, if new devices are released there’s a good chance there are new updates to the security system that you should take part in. Check out what they offer and see if it aligns with the current program you’re running. If there are some things missing, you should think about investing in some new software.</p><p>You should always be protecting your data no matter what device you use and just because you installed a cybersecurity system once along time ago, doesn’t mean it’s <a href="https://www.anomali.com/blog/when-to-escalate-threat-detection">still working</a> to this day. So look out for these 5 signs that your cybersecurity infrastructure is outdated and take the necessary measures to fix it.</p><p>Interested in learning more about operationalizing threat intelligence data? Download this new whitepaper and learn the value of this breakthrough approach!<br/> <span class="hs-cta-wrapper" id="hs-cta-wrapper-b8474223-9140-4d88-8a84-1c87f8974d60"> <span class="hs-cta-node hs-cta-b8474223-9140-4d88-8a84-1c87f8974d60" data-hs-drop="true" id="hs-cta-b8474223-9140-4d88-8a84-1c87f8974d60" style="visibility: visible; display: block; text-align: center;"><a class="cta_button" cta_dest_link="{page_3454}" href="https://cta-service-cms2.hubspot.com/ctas/v2/public/cs/c/?cta_guid=d082dffc-00d1-4e32-9613-f9706ead4533&placement_guid=b8474223-9140-4d88-8a84-1c87f8974d60&portal_id=458120&redirect_url=APefjpF_Yhb-YdjTqhvhyVAq8cBRa0--M-laNKYUAK-bLjuSd9z13px5ruKYdXLDrMoaXt1kLfWlAkRG1hf6HDpeepmPPvCTXr0B6qT1vo8mqCZE8bqV02v_BXnDJNQwsxhLXmqPbdItriOwtutCrCM_bqQR8eaRhTu9Ns-f8mQGMHfe0GfrdCxYTDAn-zj0h9z2eNXVWJEfcGeCIUbAmCReChTxRAz0RDLJ7UoGQ5XjJYtpIh8qTqG7h5rUMEkLD4t9elYeXOkYutAE11K5CChVdEp_hplOwUS-DlXnlon4nRDfh0mEblXp9J460_JTjlawkYtOnYgNaj8LV6OjgtzsJ3IZuMhd6UJsngtwgWzIf50dPH6bb2YV4eXddk4b7YRlXDMC_NSb&hsutk=2767d93d6471d657e0c9f660e4b58ef8&utm_referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fblog.anomali.com%2F5-signs-you-have-an-outdated-cybersecurity-infrastructure&canon=https%3A%2F%2Fblog.anomali.com%2F5-signs-you-have-an-outdated-cybersecurity-infrastructure&pageId=4051690334&__hstc=41179005.2767d93d6471d657e0c9f660e4b58ef8.1456736058655.1478831861868.1478887113345.180&__hssc=41179005.49.1478887113345&__hsfp=1335165674" id="cta_button_458120_d082dffc-00d1-4e32-9613-f9706ead4533" style="margin: 20px auto;" target="_blank" title="Download Here"> Download Here </a> </span> <script charset="utf-8" src="https://js.hscta.net/cta/current.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript">hbspt.cta.load(458120, 'b8474223-9140-4d88-8a84-1c87f8974d60', {});</script> </span></p>
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