
Detect LIVE Jan 21 – State of Cyber-Espionage Report from Verizon

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<p>Verizon has conducted all kinds of investigations into cybersecurity incidents and data breaches over the years. None have been more challenging or perplexing than Cyber-Espionage attacks. Chris Novak, Global Director at Verizon Threat Research Advisory Center gives you a preview of Verizon’s first-ever data-driven publication on advanced cyberattacks.</p> <p>The State of Cyber-Espionage Report (CER) is one of the most comprehensive overviews of the Cyber-Espionage landscape.</p> <p>In this session, Chris Novak shares:</p> <ul> <li>A Deep Dive Into the Attackers</li> <li>Attackers Motives</li> <li>Attackers Key Methods</li> <li>Victims Who Are Targeted</li> </ul> <p>The report serves as a tool for better understanding these threat actors and what organizations can do to hunt, detect, and respond to cyber-espionage attacks.</p> <p><strong>Watch the webinar to get a preview of the State of Cyber-Espionage Report and how you can utilize it.</strong></p>