
Detect LIVE Jan 22 – Knock Knock – Do You Know Who Is There? You Should. | Mandiant

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<h2>Going Beyond the Basics Using Threat Intelligence to Secure Your Organization</h2> <p>Like all things security, if it isn’t current, it isn’t useful. Threat intelligence is no exception. Benjamin Franklin once said, “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail!” Proper planning includes arming your organization with threat intelligence to prepare defenses against eminent attacks. Equipping your security team with high fidelity, frontline-vetted threat data and expertise helps to accelerate their ability to make security and risk decisions.</p> <p>We all know the threat landscape is evolving. Adversaries change their tools and methods of attack regularly, and you need to be prepared. Your threat intelligence needs to provide you with relevant and real-time information. With threat intelligence that gives insights into who is most likely to attack, how they will attack, and what tools they will use to attack, your organization is better prepared to understand active threats and improve your cyber defenses.</p> <p>Listen as Marshall Heilman, Chief Technology Officer, Mandiant examines:</p> <ul> <li>The evolution of cybercriminals </li> <li>Modern threat actor intelligence</li> <li>Operationalizing your threat intelligence</li> </ul> <p><strong>View the webinar to discover how your organization can use threat intelligence to better prepare for attacks and respond to breaches faster. </strong></p>