April 19, 2018
Anissa Khalid

Anomali at RSA Conference 2018

<p>It’s the last day of <a href="https://www.rsaconference.com/events/us18?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiTlRKa1l6TmxaRFJqWm1ZMCIsInQiOiJWVlIwSHp6UUJrbUlvemczY0xsNjVBOWhOSHJYZk5FS1dHVEx0aVRjWHJBbnpnY21GbnBFYzZsTGZCMGZhd3BLVmwwNjdzQlhcL2FnT1JSN1ZoMVJCU3c9PSJ9" target="_blank">RSA Conference 2018</a>, and what a week it’s been!</p><h3>We made a few announcements....</h3><p>We’re <a href="https://www.anomali.com/news-events/press/anomali-announces-collaboration-with-microsoft-providing-customers-with-unique-insights-into-their-threat-data">collaborating with Microsoft Intelligent Security Graph (ISG)</a> to bring new security insights into threat data for joint customers. The integration pairs threat intelligence from Anomali with security alerts from Microsoft’s global ecosystem.</p><p><img alt="" src="https://cdn.filestackcontent.com/mESB8czOQMmABt2x2IL8"/></p><p>We’re <a href="https://www.anomali.com/news-events/press/anomali-partners-with-visa-to-offer-global-payment-breach-intelligence">partnering with Visa</a> to offer global payment breach intelligence. Visa works with merchants whenever a breach occurs to investigate and understand what’s transpired. This information will now be available in the <a href="https://www.anomali.com/products/threatstream">Anomali ThreatStream</a> platform through the Visa Threat Intelligence feed.</p><p>We’re <a href="https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/grant-thornton-and-anomali-collaborate-on-threat-intelligence-solutions-300630965.html" target="_blank">allying ourselves with Grant Thornton LLP</a> to provide Grant Thornton clients with a suite of threat intelligence capabilities and counseling for solution design and engineering.</p><h3>We won an award....</h3><p>Anomali was named <a href="http://www.cyberdefensemagazine.com/infosec-awards-2018-winners/" target="_blank">Best Product in Threat Intelligence</a> by Cyber Defense Magazine's 2018 InfoSec Awards.</p><p><img alt="" src="https://cdn.filestackcontent.com/6WqJRkaqRfiIbj7NB3lF"/></p><h3>We gave a few presentations....</h3><p>Two of our best and brightest Sales Engineers, Brian Roy and Teddy Powers, presented <em>The Art of Collaboration: STIX and STAXX</em> at the Oasis Booth. </p><p><img alt="" src="https://cdn.filestackcontent.com/5GwMiDhGQxiwLTs6CwwY"/></p><p>Our Director of Security Strategy, Travis Farral, also spoke about <a href="https://www.darkreading.com/practically-applying-threat-intelligence-to-your-business/v/d-id/1331580" target="_blank">practically applying threat intelligence to your business</a>.</p><h3>We had a bit of fun...</h3><p>Last night we ran away and joined the circus with <a href="https://www.exabeam.com/" target="_blank">Exabeam</a> for a thrilling night of food, drinks and entertainment. Thanks to all who attended The Night Circus!</p><p><img alt="" src="https://cdn.filestackcontent.com/77FwfKqQQEC2z3CgL53N"/></p><h3>And we're still looking to give something away...</h3><p>Last but not least, it’s not too late to qualify for our giveaway, a Yamaha Raptor 700R SE! To enter for a chance to win simply:</p><ul><li>Stop by booth #2007 and watch two demos </li><li>Leave us your business card</li><li>Be present at 1:05 PM for the drawing</li></ul><p><img alt="" src="https://cdn.filestackcontent.com/bpLLuGrGQM2mf9TvYCQQ"/></p>

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