August 15, 2016
Joe Franscella

Can Your Business Afford a Breach Detection Service?

<p>Businesses are increasingly coming around to prioritizing responsive enterprise security solutions. The timespan to respond between attacks can vary by industry, but on average breaches go undetected for over 200 days. In some extreme cases, <a href="" target="_blank">victims are spied on for several years</a>.</p><p>Losing your research, products or internal memos to a competitor will result in untold setbacks. Allowing others to benefit from your work without the investment is like being burglarized in both the past and the future. Even non-directed attacks drain your networks power and leave you vulnerable to more problems.</p><p>There was a time when anti-malware software was considered the gold standard for network security. Criminals have adopted their techniques to use zero-day applications which are unique enough to go undetected by virus detecting programs. Now that it’s fungible for hackers to create new tools for each specific target, specialists have adopted their attitudes from “that won’t happen to us” to “let’s minimize the damage when it happens”.</p><p>Investigating a breach can get expensive fast. The better your defense software, the more points of data your investigators can use in their investigation. Detection and response are the priorities following a successful hack. A <a href="{page_2086}">breach detection service</a> works by identifying behaviors consistent with an attack. When you rely only on static tools like your firewall and SIEM, it may be up to users to notice something is amiss.</p><p>Domestic breaches come in many guises. Homegrown hackers are deploying bots to look for vulnerable systems from any walk of life. Businesses are actively spying on one another using a combination of technical tools and old-fashioned snooping. Once hackers have gained entry via a virus, phishing, an open port, a weak password, etc. they get a foothold and then begin exploiting the network.</p><p>International threats are a large scale problem. State-sponsored hacking is pandemic, particularly from nations with militarized governments. Science and technology advancements are being stolen in an organized effort and national security is threatened by the prospect of enemy states hacking into our defenses.</p><p>Reliable information about the breach and events leading up to it are priceless. Bolstering your security protocols cannot be done effectively without thorough understanding of how hackers accessed your data. It’s also important to discover what they were after, and how much damage they did.</p><p>If your network was used as one of many slave computers executing a DDoS attack on another site you can potentially be held responsible. In the event of a consumer data leak, you will have much cleaning up to do. Finding out about a breach as soon as possible using a breach detection service, you can at least warn people as soon as possible.</p><p>Resolving a breach can cost your business tens of thousands of dollars to clean up. Many small and medium sized businesses were left unprepared as they found themselves big enough to be hacked, but not quite big enough for a full scale breach detection service. Now with the advent of <a href="">scalable tools for all size businesses</a>, any enterprise can afford access.</p><p>It may be startling to learn that <a href="" target="_blank">60% of SMEs go under</a> after an attack. Consider a breach detection service to be as necessary of an expense as putting a lock on the front door. Learn more about new models for unifying breach analytics in our whitepaper, <em>Anomali Match: An Operational Model for Breach Analytics and Intelligence</em>.</p><p></p><p>Businesses are increasingly coming around to prioritizing responsive enterprise security solutions. The timespan to respond between attacks can vary by industry, but on average breaches go undetected for over 200 days. In some extreme cases, <a href="" target="_blank">victims are spied on for several years</a>.</p><p>Losing your research, products or internal memos to a competitor will result in untold setbacks. Allowing others to benefit from your work without the investment is like being burglarized in both the past and the future. Even non-directed attacks drain your networks power and leave you vulnerable to more problems.</p><p>There was a time when anti-malware software was considered the gold standard for network security. Criminals have adopted their techniques to use zero-day applications which are unique enough to go undetected by virus detecting programs. Now that it’s fungible for hackers to create new tools for each specific target, specialists have adopted their attitudes from “that won’t happen to us” to “let’s minimize the damage when it happens”.</p><p>Investigating a breach can get expensive fast. The better your defense software, the more points of data your investigators can use in their investigation. Detection and response are the priorities following a successful hack. A <a href="{page_2086}">breach detection service</a> works by identifying behaviors consistent with an attack. When you rely only on static tools like your firewall and SIEM, it may be up to users to notice something is amiss.</p><p>Domestic breaches come in many guises. Homegrown hackers are deploying bots to look for vulnerable systems from any walk of life. Businesses are actively spying on one another using a combination of technical tools and old-fashioned snooping. Once hackers have gained entry via a virus, phishing, an open port, a weak password, etc. they get a foothold and then begin exploiting the network.</p><p>International threats are a large scale problem. State-sponsored hacking is pandemic, particularly from nations with militarized governments. Science and technology advancements are being stolen in an organized effort and national security is threatened by the prospect of enemy states hacking into our defenses.</p><p>Reliable information about the breach and events leading up to it are priceless. Bolstering your security protocols cannot be done effectively without thorough understanding of how hackers accessed your data. It’s also important to discover what they were after, and how much damage they did.</p><p>If your network was used as one of many slave computers executing a DDoS attack on another site you can potentially be held responsible. In the event of a consumer data leak, you will have much cleaning up to do. Finding out about a breach as soon as possible using a breach detection service, you can at least warn people as soon as possible.</p><p>Resolving a breach can cost your business tens of thousands of dollars to clean up. Many small and medium sized businesses were left unprepared as they found themselves big enough to be hacked, but not quite big enough for a full scale breach detection service. Now with the advent of <a href="">scalable tools for all size businesses</a>, any enterprise can afford access.</p><p>It may be startling to learn that <a href="" target="_blank">60% of SMEs go under</a> after an attack. Consider a breach detection service to be as necessary of an expense as putting a lock on the front door. Learn more about new models for unifying breach analytics in our whitepaper, <em>Anomali Match: An Operational Model for Breach Analytics and Intelligence</em>.</p><p><span class="hs-cta-wrapper" id="hs-cta-wrapper-522663a1-2e23-4655-9c36-592b876fdb70"><span class="hs-cta-node hs-cta-522663a1-2e23-4655-9c36-592b876fdb70" data-hs-drop="true" id="hs-cta-522663a1-2e23-4655-9c36-592b876fdb70" style="visibility: visible; display: block; text-align: center;"><a class="cta_button" cta_dest_link="{page_3455}" href=";placement_guid=522663a1-2e23-4655-9c36-592b876fdb70&amp;portal_id=458120&amp;redirect_url=APefjpF58x87rkpvx11cTQ2Uy2Wxvbhdmc-xF86fJBAxjUKBJKmc0LB4lL9hmtwbHXXVlr-jUQhQKPpYnFabtcNvUgu5lZxHkrt1AXBbGQEbu5Oqrb33R4-Z_68BRDucSxVgLd5e6Vi8AuY3U_5ZIj6km_oenJaU-hWgzNk6zVqsukRll_HUO5SrbU0brwzxF5WAyfkCBnhkInwFHI4aQsQF7MVD45PwiRgRkr7HN24U4aepsjkoEyRyGYUQMpXfgtMaihhH0xR7IBL_y92qAM8HVtB7XnYDwiH5_RUyR28tVhP0s9W2yT8X3xtiYf2jp09P15TFlpNjdfH1JAx88Veg635f6FaSKjSvqTbqTPFKHQy9ST90IeBs4OBSSZjayVrV05w-FrJz&amp;hsutk=2767d93d6471d657e0c9f660e4b58ef8&amp;;;pageId=4330526433&amp;__hstc=41179005.2767d93d6471d657e0c9f660e4b58ef8.1456736058655.1478822660171.1478831861868.179&amp;__hssc=41179005.43.1478831861868&amp;__hsfp=1335165674" id="cta_button_458120_ae87b536-87f5-4cf1-85e5-1cf25faf63c6" style="margin: 20px auto;" target="_blank" title="Free Download Here">Free Download Here </a> </span> <script charset="utf-8" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript">hbspt.cta.load(458120, '522663a1-2e23-4655-9c36-592b876fdb70', {});</script> </span></p>

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