
Shadow Talk: Anomali’s AJ Nash on Building Threat Intel Teams, The Chief Intelligence Officer, and Methods for Cultivating Your Cyber Threat Intelligence Strategy

<p>In this edition of Shadow Talk by Digital Shadows, hosts Rick Holland, CISO and Sean N., Sr. Cyber Threat Intel Analyst at Digital Shadows speak with AJ Nash, Sr. Director of Cyber Intelligence Strategy at Anomali on an array of cybersecurity topics ranging from implementing a cyber threat intelligence (CTI) program to the need for a new c-level role, the Chief Intelligence Officer (CINO).</p> <p>Highlights from the interview include:</p> <ul> <li>AJ’s origin story with the US Air Force</li> <li>Lessons learned from building threat intelligence programs</li> <li>Guidance for investing in employees through training, leveling skill sets, and setting employees up for success</li> <li>Proposal for the Chief Intelligence Officer (CINO)</li> <li>Recommendations for threat intel leaders to become more strategic and move beyond indicators of compromise (IOCs) and the SOC</li> </ul> <p>Read AJ’s blog <a href="https://www.anomali.com/blog/rise-of-the-chief-intelligence-officer-cino">Rise of the Chief Intelligence Officer (CINO)</a> to discover the need for this role and the qualifications required for this new C-level position.</p>

