
Connecting the Dots with Anomali MHN and the Cyber Kill Chain: Detect ‘18 Presentation Series

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<h2>Stealthy and Continuous Computer Hacking Processes: Advanced Persistent Threat (APT)</h2><p>An advanced persistent threat or APT is often orchestrated by a person or persons targeting a specific entity.</p><p>In this presentation, Dave Empringham, Principal Security Engineer from Anomali, will show how security teams can leverage the Cyber Kill Chain methodology to connect the dots. Teams can detect motivated attackers (APTs) by applying context from the Modern Honey Network, and use Anomali to correlate, identify, and understand motivated and targeted attacks against their organization. Ultimately, this solution architecture supports the operationalization of relevant threat intelligence utilizing existing security infrastructure.</p><h3>Watch this presentation to deepen your understanding of how security teams can leverage the Cyber Kill Chain methodology.</h3>