
Threat Hunting and Intelligence Informed Decision-Making with XDR

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<h2>Gain Increased Visibility and Context into APTs with XDR</h2> <p>Threat hunting has historically been a challenging activity, requiring hunters to manually prioritize potential threats, use expensive and long-running queries, and pivot between multiple tools to gather context.</p> <p>Anomali XDR combines proven intelligence management capabilities with innovative threat detection tools to provide rich context and insights for the SOC, ease the burden of manual prioritization, and accelerate the threat hunting process. Watch Patrick McNaught, Solutions Architect at Anomali, explore this in detail, and learn the value of intelligence-led XDR.<br /> <br /> <strong>View the webinar to learn how to elevate your defense capabilities and increase your return on security investments with Anomali XDR.</strong></p>
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