
Threatscape of Today: Cyber Threat Intelligence Panel with Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae

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<h2>Today’s Geopolitical Threat Landscape is Subject to Uncertainty, and Defenders are Tasked with Navigating the Many Threats at Play</h2> <p>Anomali and Kaspersky hosted this lively panel discussion on cyber threat intelligence with guests from Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. Intelligence experts discussed today’s threat landscape and what it all means for businesses and security teams.</p> <p>Topics covered:  </p> <ul> <li>Recent nation state and cybercriminal threat actor activities and their primary targets of exploitation</li> <li>Guidance on what businesses should expect in terms of targeted and opportunistic attacks in the near term</li> <li>Techniques employed by cyber threat intelligence professionals to collect, assess, and report actionable intelligence to aid in well-informed decision making</li> </ul> <p>Watch on-demand to gather valuable insights from a live panel of experts.</p>
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