
Effectively Automate Your CTI Program with Air Canada and Anomali

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<h2>Air Canada Demonstrates Tactical Steps to Ingest and Automate Threat Intel</h2> <p><b>Watch On-Demand</b></p> <p>This webinar is the second in a series that demonstrates best practices for building effective and efficient threat intelligence programs with Anomali. You’ll hear from industry experts, Anomali power-users, and internal employees alike. </p> <p>Are you just getting started with your threat intel program? Kyle Howson, CSOC Specialist, IT & Cyber Security Operations, at Air Canada, shows you how he uses Anomali to automate his daily tasks. You&#39;ll learn tactical steps to building the automation and scripts needed to ingest, track, and manage your own threat intelligence through the Anomali threat intel platform, ThreatStream.</p> <p>Dave Empringham, a Principal Sales Engineer at Anomali, joins Kyle to offer advice as he helps make these tasks easy for customers on a regular basis. </p> <p>They demonstrate how to:</p> <ul> <li>Bring intel data relative to your own organization into ThreatStream</li> <li>Leverage this intel to improve visibility</li> <li>Operationalize threat intelligence to increase your security posture</li> </ul> <p>Efficient threat intel management is an important building block for any threat intel program—watch the webinar today. </p> <p><strong>Featuring:<br /> <br /> <img alt="" src="{assets_3952:https://www.anomali.com/images/uploads/Anomali_Logo_WhiteWhite.png}" style="width: 250px; height: 24px;" /></strong></p> <p><strong><img alt="" src="{assets_4655:https://www.anomali.com/images/uploads/air-canada-1-logo_white.png}" style="width: 250px; height: 42px;" /></strong></p> <p><strong><img alt="" src="{assets_4704:https://www.anomali.com/images/uploads/logo-ion_1.png}" style="width: 75px; height: 32px;" /></strong></p>
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