
Know Thy Enemy in 30 Minutes

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<h4>“If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War BC500</h4> <p> </p> <p>Press, media, open source, and vendors are awash with news articles and bulletins relating to thousands upon thousands of threats every day. There is no way I can assess and act on all of this, right? But in there, I know there is crucial information that tells me what I’m likely facing. How do I gain mastery of this, get a grip on the threats affecting me, and improve my security posture? Can I move with precision, velocity, and impact and keep my stakeholders informed? In this practical session, we will show how this is done.</p> <p>We talk about the most prominent threat actors in the Carolinas and Tennessee region, highlight their motives and tactics, and then teach you how to engage with them proactively and reactively. The Anomali Threat Research team also demo&#39;s an investigation of the groups’ TTPs. We end with a Q&A session with a former FBI Intelligence Analyst who talks about how vigilance is key to guarding against cyber attacks.</p> <p><strong>Watch the on-demand webinar to learn how to be proactive and what to do when the inevitable happens!</strong></p>
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