
Protecting the Herd—Why Information Sharing Matters

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<h2>Sharing Can Minimize the Effectiveness of Cyber Attacks</h2> <p>As cyber threats increase in frequency, scale, sophistication, and severity of impact, sharing cyber threat information within and across industry verticals plays a significant role in tackling the most relevant threats confronting businesses of all sizes. To increase situational awareness and facilitate risk-based decision making, industry Information Sharing and Analysis Centers (ISACs) leverage the Anomali Threat Intelligence Platform (TIP) to identify, assess, monitor, and respond to cyber attacks targeting their sectors.</p> <p>The Anomali Threat Analysis Center (A-TAC) recognizes the need for optimizing information sharing exchanges, and partners with ISACs and their members to enhance automated machine sharing, deliver structured human sharing, facilitate ad-hoc collaborations, and offer mediated translations. This offers the A-TAC a unique perspective on industry-related threats and attack trends; thereby, empowering ISACs and their members with the key insights and tools necessary to improve their overall security posture.</p> <h3>Watch the on-demand presentation, given by Roberto Sanchez, Director of Threat and Information Analysis from Anomali, now.</h3>
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