August 3, 2016
Joe Franscella

Four Reasons You Need a Breach Detection Service

<p>Despite our best efforts to keep out intruders, network breaches occur. In the event a hacker is successful at penetrating your network defenses, you need to know what happened immediately. Still on the rise, external <a href="" target="_blank">hacking accounts for 99.99% of all breaches</a> as of last year’s studies. Responding quickly after being hacked can affect how much damage is done. Here are the four main reasons for using a breach detection service.</p><p><strong>You don’t know what you don’t know.</strong> Anti-malware software and a firewall do not notify you of the many other sorts of events including breaches. On average, hackers enjoy a comfortable <a href="">200-day window between initial attack and discovery</a>. In extreme cases hackers can go undetected for years. In that time they can spy on your emails, steal your work, or sabotage your most crucial files. If hackers are not targeting you specifically, they can still harm your bottom line. Hacks perpetrated to hijack your network’s processing power in order to launch a DoS attack against another may not cripple your operations, but slower computers hurt your productivity.</p><p><strong>You need to respond as soon as possible.</strong> Damage control is more effective the sooner it begins. You can only contain the harm caused during a breach if you are notified immediately. There is a chance that resetting passwords compromised by outsiders or blocking the access of malicious insiders will stop them in their tracks. Some email marketing systems have a recall function that you can use on unopened messages. Barring that, following up a malicious email sent from your account with an immediate warning and apology is better done sooner than later.</p><p>Should hackers successfully access third-party information, you can advise would-be future victims they must take steps to change their passwords, closely monitor their financial accounts, etc. In the event an original work was compromised, you can be on the lookout for copies. Knowing your work was leaked, you will be better prepared to defend a claim to exclusive use of it. Control loss of proprietary info like:</p><ul><li>Visual art or musical creations</li><li>Patents, formulas, or recipes</li><li>Operation procedures</li><li>Future plans or business outlooks</li><li>Client or subscriber lists</li></ul><p><strong>Learn from the experience.</strong> Since you cannot prevent every security event, use a breach detection service which allows you to collect some useful data. Platforms are not all created equally. Some rely on better information than others. When cyber-security platforms can leverage data collected from other events, the particulars of the breach can be examined for identifiers and clues to the threat actors’ motivations.</p><p>In one case, a cargo ship was raided for one specific crate. <a href="" target="_blank">Pirates had hacked shipping logs</a>, assessed the ship’s upcoming cargo loads, and went directly for the container holding their targeted booty. Early detection of the breach would have revealed their plans and warned the shipping company of the planned raid at sea.</p><p><strong>Stop insider incidents.</strong> Both permanent and temporary employees are known to be responsible for breaches. Firewalls and SIEM platforms which only scan for malware and malicious IP traffic are blind to these dangers. Employees are responsible for most breaches, usually by falling for tricks in phishing emails. Others are greedy or disgruntled and choose to knowingly abuse the network. Sophisticated algorithms were developed to interpret high-risk behaviors performed by authorized users. Why pass up on a tool which can alert you of an employee poised to leak, alter, or destroy crucial files <em>before</em> the damage is done?</p><p>Responding to breach alerts is paramount to protecting the future of your company. A superior breach detection service can rank alerts. Alerts based on information <a href="{page_2086}">taken in-context of known IoCs</a> can be prioritized by severity. Download our whitepaper on observation and response to learn more about how you can use a breach detection service.</p><p><span class="hs-cta-wrapper" id="hs-cta-wrapper-8600fcd3-0133-4aff-80ad-6b66cb98b9d6"><span class="hs-cta-node hs-cta-8600fcd3-0133-4aff-80ad-6b66cb98b9d6" data-hs-drop="true" id="hs-cta-8600fcd3-0133-4aff-80ad-6b66cb98b9d6" style="visibility: visible; display: block; text-align: center;"><a class="cta_button" cta_dest_link="" href=";placement_guid=8600fcd3-0133-4aff-80ad-6b66cb98b9d6&amp;portal_id=458120&amp;redirect_url=APefjpGdFGE1JQVOv1AnzYUpmwv8JyYKi9-l_TxdgbuZUfzSWlXcn6vd0wJ4MU-Achc3grY_9yJJcE3YJtr3LyHuxvgNk8jb9it6CjR-x8YOVEOPUsh6D3ShXq75cDjuYV1KHYZlUyAyIHnyPC0IprqRzdOJu0ityTpzwhQLREAh6eRLFEI6j-3OEQqgKxlIf1dkvdHvsWnsftxDdS5rA2q0-5rOUB1Rmn2WsC07rMKvMxV9MUH7FJA9ITlpyCEs_vUCwQbB_qVyozKCvVVj3RdG3hCf5uHfYnXOpGxiD6vVzpNqkuBi8-1R8D0ahRZOwih5wINTrOJSXkMWoA9lSKE-tmiJc4e2Uw&amp;hsutk=2767d93d6471d657e0c9f660e4b58ef8&amp;;;pageId=4263100869&amp;__hstc=41179005.2767d93d6471d657e0c9f660e4b58ef8.1456736058655.1478822660171.1478831861868.179&amp;__hssc=41179005.60.1478831861868&amp;__hsfp=1335165674" id="cta_button_458120_1bcf61e7-266b-47f2-bb9a-3e836ab23e09" style="margin: 20px auto;" target="_blank" title="Download Here">Download Here </a> </span> <script charset="utf-8" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript">hbspt.cta.load(458120, '8600fcd3-0133-4aff-80ad-6b66cb98b9d6', {});</script> </span></p>

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