
Detect LIVE Nov 21 – Enhancing Your Threat Intelligence Program | Flashpoint

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<h2>How Is an Effective Threat Intelligence Program Built?</h2> <p>What feeds should you use, and with what solutions? And what’s the best approach for managing vast amounts of data to obtain actionable intelligence so that all your teams benefit from the information?</p> <p>In this webinar, Kevin Tongs, Director, Customer Success for EMEA of Flashpoint discusses:</p> <ul> <li>The importance of building an all-source intelligence hub</li> <li>How a holistic approach to threat intelligence will improve your security strategy</li> <li>Identifying and prioritizing cyber threats to your business and socializing those threats to all stakeholders within your environment</li> </ul> <p><b>Watch on-demand and enhance your threat intelligence program today!</b></p>