January 21, 2015
Nicholas Albright

ThreatStream OPTIC Maltego Integration

<div><iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="366" mozallowfullscreen="" src="//player.vimeo.com/video/117423510" webkitallowfullscreen="" width="650"></iframe></div><p> </p><div> </div><p>ThreatStream LABS is excited to announce the capability for ThreatStream customers to utilize OPTIC's extensive intelligence database from within Paterva's Maltego Data and Link visualization tool using our new Maltego transforms.  These transforms allow users to enrich entities and expand on indicators of warning (IOW) and indicators of compromise (IOC).</p><p>By mapping the indicators to Maltego Graph entities, individuals may be able to observe patterns that may have not been obvious with textual indicators.  <br/> <br/> Pattern based intelligence enhancements can provide both SOC level analysts as well as forensic experts with greater understanding of their environment and the indicators they are alerting on.</p><p>Both the Maltego <a href="https://secure.shareit.com/shareit/product.html?productid=300256238">Professional</a> and <a href="https://www.paterva.com/web6/products/download3.php">Community Edition</a> (Free) can be used with ThreatStream's local transforms.<br/> </p>

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